Wrablet – Wrist Tablet


An new device generation in mobile computing is coming to the market: Wrist Tablets.

You wear it on your wrist as a watch, but you have full functionality of a tablet (or even smartphone). The look similar to a smatwatch, but those have an own operating system (e.g. android wear).

Wrablets indeed use a complete OS like Android 5.1 or newer.

Advantages of wrablets

  • small (e.g. 1.54″ square screen)
  • you have your hands and pockets free
  • full functional as tablets or smartphones
    • calling
    • messaging
    • calendar
    • contacts
    • using as hot spot
    • tracking with gps
    • android apps as you want

Disadvantages of wrablets

  • limited screen size
    • small area of view
    • small keyboard
  • battery with low capacities depending on usage
    • standby few days
  • sometimes resized operating system

Samples of Wrablets

  • Uwatch U11S (1.54″, 1 GB/8GB, nano sim)
  • TenFifteen X01 Pus (1.54″, 1 GB/8GB, micro sim)
  • No1 D6 (1.54″, 1 GB/8GB, nano sim)

Recommended Android-Apps for Wrablets for a better usage comfort

  • easy finding all settings:
    • Settings Search
  • better notifications:
    • Head-Up Notifications
  • easy hotspot:
    • Portable Wi-Fi HotSpot
  • Allowing hidden WLAN
    • HiddenSSID Enabler
  • better file management
    • ES File Explorer
  • fast acces to some functions
    • Button Saviour
    • AssistiveTouch

last update: 08.06.2017
published: 06.06.2017

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